Taking care of myself... and my baby boy...

I have unofficially decided (along with everyone else who falls into the resolution category) to use this new year to start taking care of myself again. My exercise habits have been sketchy to say the least for the past month and a half or so, but I can still be intentional about what I put into my body.

I'm pseudo dreading going back to work tomorrow. I have really enjoyed doing nothing for a couple of weeks... grocery shopping during the day when Wal-Mart isn't as crazy as it could be... walking my dog in the middle of the day as opposed to a rushed walk before I go get Jeff from work or in the freezing, dark morning... reading... sleeping. It's been good. I won't have many more days like this before baby arrives. Not that I am dreading him being here soon, just appreciating "me" time.

So for my resolution of taking more pictures I took a ton on NYE... I know that's technically still 2011 but I'm working on it! Will post soon.


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