At home healthy peppermint hot chocolate and stuff on my mind!

First of all, this little guy is making my apartment smell AMAZING!

I was always intimidated by cooking a whole chicken... I'm more of a bake-a-chicken-breast or saute-a-chicken-breast kind of girl. This was really out of my comfort zone. But I used this recipe and it's the easiest stinkin' thing EVER. Not to mention it makes my apartment smell good alllllllllll day and forces me to use the slow cooker for something other than cheese dip... :)

On to better things... I went to Walmart this morning around 7 am and said hello to the employees that were stocking because they're the only ones there at 7 am on a Monday... they've gotten used to us and always come over to say hi to Chief. I don't think this is normal at a Walmart supercenter... but I was crazy excited to buy these...

It's officially BAKING SEASON! We're having pumpkin pancakes for breakfast at a friend's house Thursday! I am super pumped because I love pumpkin and pancakes... I have been scouring the internet for recipes and hopefully will pick a good one. 

The peppermint was purchased on a whim because I love love looooooooove Starbucks' peppermint mocha. I get the skinny kind to save calories even though real milk hurts my stomach in a bad way (Thanks, IBS!) and I get decaf because I'm still nursing and Chief does NOT need caffeine... and I would get peppermint hot chocolate but that's a lot of calories. 

This is one of my favorite things! Jeff says it's the best chocolate milk he's tasted. I love that it has NO GMOs and that when you heat it in the microwave, it tastes better than any hot chocolate!

So I heated up a mug of this stuff and added a 1/4 tsp of peppermint extract and it was UH-MAY-ZING! I may never have to go to Starbucks again! (highly unlikely!) And it's healthy!

So enjoy, happy Thanksgiving!


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