I'd like to introduce...

There are a multitude of reasons for my silence lately... the most time-consuming and physically smallest being...

sweet Wren Chloe... my third child and first daughter.

I can safely say there is a significantly higher amount of spitting up happening around here these days... which is unfortunate because there is a significantly lower amount of mopping happening. 

Although I am staying quiet on the interwebs, things are still happening over here. All the things. We are processing the recent events over the past few weeks, scratching our heads at the election drama, washing lots of dishes and folding tons of laundry. I am definitely seeing why someone would opt for a nudist colony... except for the whole modesty thing. Can you imagine never having to do laundry? Ever?

Wren is a joy. Someday I will get some sleep again and have time to remove the chipped nail polish from my fingers. Someday I will be able to go for runs on a regular basis... I am thinking the stress headaches might go away... but I have a feeling that may not be true..

We are all still in desperate need of Jesus and fighting the illusion of control. Every day, I beg God for this: 

Psalm 143:8English Standard Version (ESV)

Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love,
    for in you I trust.
Make me know the way I should go,
    for to you I lift up my soul.

Hopefully I can write again soon.


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