Back for Hobby's Sake

 Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Is this thing on?"


The last time I wrote on this dusty ol' thing was March of 2019. That means we are coming up on two years since I wrote a post. Since then, I have gotten pregnant with and delivered my fifth baby, a girl. Since then, the world has changed a smidge. Since then, my faith has been challenged, my relationships have evolved, our family has made difficult decisions (whose hasn't?). I don't even know where to begin on this.

I do know that I miss writing. I miss this form of processing. I miss taking what I am learning and rattling it out on to the keyboard in an attempt to share and, also, transition into who God is making me to be tomorrow. Multiple times I've had the thought, "that would be a good blog idea." Multiple times I've missed the clunky feel of typing out an entire paragraph only to delete every sentence but one. 

So, here we are.

I was listening to an interview with Annie F. Downs on a podcast about hobbies. She was challenging listeners to find a hobby, something that sounds fun to them, something that they're an amateur at, and to pursue it. I think my struggle with writing has always been that I didn't think it was worth doing if I couldn't monetize it somehow. Bloggers are supposed to make money! Bloggers are supposed to have an Online Presence! so on and so forth.

But what if I just write because it's fun? What if I just write because I like it? What if I write and no one ever reads it? What if I never move beyond this platform? Is it merely wasted time?

I think Kara of 2019 would have said yes. And that's likely why Kara of 2019 stopped writing.

But today, I realize I've really missed it. I've missed this space in particular, which is different from my prayer journal. This is uniquely different from anything else I do, and I think I need it in this season. (Forgive me for using the recently Christanized word, "season." It works sometimes, okay?)

So, this is what today is. It's me opening the laptop and starting again. It's been a minute, as Sam Sanders would say, but I am back, even if it's only for myself. 


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