It's been a day or 19...

So I am the worst blogger in history...

I get on these little kicks where I think... maybe I could do something with this whole blog thing? And that inspires me to blog daily for three whole days. Then, life happens.

Went to Hideaway Pizza with my family where Chief sampled the menu...

It was good times and good food. We went for my sister's 24th birthday! That sounds crazy old to me and then I remember she's my younger sister... I made this apple slab pie for her... which looks yummy with pecans and brown sugar on top but wasn't great-tasting... 

I've been praying so much for a house with a yard... Jeff is 30 so he wants to have babies quickly so he's not a grandpa-dad. But having babies quickly means we'll have multiple babies in diapers at once... meaning a LOT of cloth diapers and LOTS of laundry. So I really want a house with a washer and dryer! And a yard for the kids and dog to play in... and so I can finally have my own garden and hopefully save a little money on produce. And since I'm the queen of (nonexistent) segues... now on to...

We have been going to the zoo A LOT since my mom bought us a ZooFriends pass... I've never had one before so I was always restricted to going on Saturdays or during the summer where the animals aren't really out... I kinda love the fall zoo trips.

In fact... we're going to the zoo here in about 30 mins after Chief wakes up from his morning nap...

So, I leave you with... the letter V!


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