What I'm Reading Wednesday... first edition.

This is the first EVER "What I'm Reading Wednesday." I know you've all been anxiously awaiting this post since I revealed a mere 24 hours ago that I would be reserving Wednesdays to discuss book I've read, am reading, plan to read...

Just read: 
Image result for goldfinch book

 I finished "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt last week. I had read mixed reviews of this book, but it has popped up on several lists of "Books You Should Read" so I decided to give it a go...

The story itself is fascinating. The author does a great job of keeping you interested. Her description of the grieving process is spot on. I felt uncomfortable reading some parts because of how closely it reminded me of my own history with grieving. 

I did NOT love the characters, which is a pretty big deal for me. I love, love, love character development- which she accomplished. But out of the entire cast of characters, and there were many, I really only liked about 4 of them. The main character was a major disappointment to me. He made really poor life choices and never really seemed to have any kind of redemption.

So, in my opinion... I didn't love it. I would give it a B-.

Currently reading:

Admittedly, I am not far into this book. I have read a couple chapters. The writing is fantastic and it came highly recommended by a friend. It is a glimpse into life in India's caste system. I am thoroughly enjoying the characters. 

Currently reading:
                                             Image result for everyday mission book bob
Our missional family (what our church calls our small groups) is currently working through this devotional. One of the authors is a pastor in Fort Worth and is currently leading a church planting training program my husband is a part of... so we have met him. He (Ben Connelly) is the real deal. This book is very inspiring as well as practical. It gives the theological reasons for loving your neighbors as well as suggests ways to take the first step in getting to know your neighbors. I highly recommend it. It is a 30-day devotional. Each day takes about ten minutes to read. It is thought-provoking and good for conversation.

I give it an A!

A re-read:
I so do NOT re-read books. In my mind, there are so many books I want to read, that a re-read is a waste of time. However, I recently heard a podcast where Jeff Vanderstelt said he reads this book once a year. I read it about five years ago, so I thought I would read it again.

It is an excellent resource on prayer... very practical. Very convicting. The theology is sound. Miller fills the book with stories of his autistic daughter as well as his other family members, so it's also extremely easy to relate. I, once again, found myself believing more in the power of prayer and was challenged to pray more for those I love.

A definite A.


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