On no longer needing to read to someone
I cried making popcorn today. We had gone to the library. This is well-worn territory for me. I've been driving the familiar route to our town library with children in tow for twelve years. Sometimes I wore a baby and nursed in the corner. Sometimes I chased toddlers and begged them not to steal snacks. Sometimes we met up with friends for baby story-time and sometimes I sat and sipped coffee while my children brought me piles of books to read. Today we went. Everyone went and got there books. They used their own library cards to check out books and we piled back into the van and drove home. The request was made for popcorn and, another parcel of well-worn territory, I dutifully scooped the coconut oil and poured in the kernels. My children scattered to their favorite cozy areas to flip through their newly-acquired library treasures. As I stood in the kitchen listening to kernels pop and sipping hot tea, it hit me-- no one had asked me to read a book. When did they stop brin...